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Current Trends in Leisure Property

The past two and a half years have been challenging for most leisure sectors. Nevertheless there have been some notable winners and the outlook is not all negative.

This webinar focuses on the outlook for 2023 - the threats facing the sector and the opportunities presented for both investors and operators over the next two years.

Topics covered include:

  • Perfect Storm - Inflation, staffing, increased operating expenses, less disposable income. What does this mean for the sector generally and for each of the sub-sectors specifically?
  • Debt Market – Debt levels have increased. Finance is more expensive. What do we expect in 2023?
  • Options – What might the different operators in the various sectors do to raise much needed capital?
  • The ‘Flight To Quality’ – We anticipate the major buyers will be attracted by “best in class” whilst non-core / tail end property will be unloaded.
  • Investment market – Transaction activity: where do we see the bottom and when will we get there (if we aren’t already there)?
  • Winners and Losers – What can we learn from the years post-GFC (Global Finance Crisis 2008)? Will there be winners as well as losers and are there any sectors where we see no long-term recovery?


Senior Director and Head of Leisure & Hospitality Valuation
CBRE Operational Real Estate
Senior Director
Senior Surveyor