Historically our industry has focused on the storage, organization, searchability and distribution of assets. While these capabilities remain essential, the integration of DAMs with core enterprise systems which house key business data can enable a greater degree of data-driven decision making across the scope of DAM (and non-DAM) stakeholders. Hyland | Nuxeo’s data-first approach leverages a configurable business object model to capture and relate this key data to DAM assets - without requiring complex database integrations and the burden of custom application development. This session highlights these unique capabilities with demo examples to illustrate some common use cases for exploiting these data relationships.
HS DAM provided a network of like-minded passionate professionals that were so generous & honest with their front line experiences of working and creating in the DAM universe, Bravo.
Before attending a HS DAM event, I never knew the true impact or importance of DAM. For the first time it felt like I wasn't alone, but part of something so much greater. I left inspired and motivated to take what I had learned and apply it our DAM system. I look forward to the event every year!
The Henry Stewart DAM NY conference did not disappoint. The breadth of topics and experiences covered were amazing. I could have used three of me to cover all the sessions I was interested in attending!