
Exploring What’s Now and Next on the Horizon for DAM and Collections Management

February 8, 12:20 PM EST

Join Douglas Hegley, Chief Digital Officer at The Metropolitan Museum of Art who will lead the discussion with the esteemed panel on critical best practices and lessons learned. Each panel member will share what’s happening in the DAM and Collections Management space in their organization and what’s next on the horizon. Come ready with your questions!


An Online Event

What others say

HS DAM events provide me with a welcome opportunity to learn from colleagues, make new connections, and reflect on what I can do to improve my institution's DAM environment.

Gwendolyn Saul
New York State Museum

HS DAM events provided a very affordable (free) and easy way to learn more about DAMs and connect with peers in the field.

Pat Seymour
The Andy Warhol Museum

This event was informative and engaging. It covered technical aspects of DAM in an accessible manner. The Q&A sections were well moderated, and I am very pleased I made time for attending.

Lizzie Hensman
Horniman Museum