
Cherie Chen

Senior Registrar for Rights and Reproductions

The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

Cherie has over 20 years of experience managing intellectual property (IP) and the dissemination of digitized collections for the Getty Museum. As Senior Registrar for Rights and Reproductions, she creates and implements IP policies and processes for the museum around acquisitions, exhibitions, digital asset management, and collection management. She oversees a rights team responsible for supplying collection images to outside requesters and for obtaining rights for exhibition-related materials across all media. Cherie has previously presented on IP topics at AAM and AAMD conferences and guest-lectured at UCLA’s Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. She is a contributing author to Rights & Reproductions: The Handbook for Cultural Institutions, co-published in 2015 by the Indianapolis Museum of Art and the American Alliance of Museums. A second edition of the handbook was published in 2018.


An Online Event

What others say

HS DAM events provide me with a welcome opportunity to learn from colleagues, make new connections, and reflect on what I can do to improve my institution's DAM environment.

Gwendolyn Saul
New York State Museum

HS DAM events provided a very affordable (free) and easy way to learn more about DAMs and connect with peers in the field.

Pat Seymour
The Andy Warhol Museum

This event was informative and engaging. It covered technical aspects of DAM in an accessible manner. The Q&A sections were well moderated, and I am very pleased I made time for attending.

Lizzie Hensman
Horniman Museum