Ensuring Office Buildings Meet Climate Sustainability Criteria

Recent years have seen a substantial increase in awareness of the role the built environment plays in global carbon emissions. 

Creating or choosing sustainable office space is an important step towards a greener and brighter future both for the real estate industry and the planet. 

Reputation conscious companies pay higher rents for sustainable offices. Investors place higher capitalisation rates on sustainable offices. Finance is more available and costs less the more sustainable a building is.  

Businesses recognise that the choice goes beyond the moral imperative - sustainable office space impacts positively on their brands, on achieving their ESG targets, and on staff attraction and retention. It’s a win, win, win scenario.

The panel, moderated by Anita Rivera, Head of Planning at Mishcon de Reya, will explore:

  • Why office buildings should meet sustainability criteria
  • What impact this will have on: 

       -    Meeting regulatory requirements.
       -    Meeting market expectations: of the financer, the owner and the occupier. 
       -    Meeting one's own corporate responsibility objectives.

  • The costs and measurable benefits
  • How defining the key measurements of success in this arena will outline how to assess the current status of a building, and how to move forwards.