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Elevating Modern Marketing: Making Assets Dynamic

Are your assets sitting in a DAM, static, requiring human intervention for anything useful to happen? Do you need to create personalized marketing campaigns, localized packaging, or custom advertising -- yet it seems to take forever? This webinar will explore approaches for making your assets more dynamic. We'll look at approaches to populating smart templates with digital assets, based on data, rather than perpetuating tedious manual processes.


DAM Industry Analyst; Director & Chief Strategist
Vox Veritas Digital
Strategic Alliances
CHILI publish

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CHILI publish focuses on the development and deployment of powerful online software for the graphic arts industry and digital marketing services worldwide. The flagship product CHILI publisher is an online editing solution that can be seamlessly integrated into third-party workflows and production platforms to provide a wide range of customizable, easy-to-use, browser-based, editing functions.