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Optimizing your DAM Program

Very soon after a DAM system is installed managers must ask:

  • What more could I do?
  • What more do I need?
  • When should I consider updating / upgrading?

After just a year or two, more new questions are asked:

  • How can we make the system better?
  • How do we evolve into a full enterprise program?
  • How should we develop a roadmap towards integration with the broader MarTech stack?
  • What else can we do to take our DAM to the next level?

And if the questions are not asked, or asked and left unanswered for years, they must be posed anew and, this time, answered – with the answers implemented.⠀

In this five-part series, led by Theresa Regli, we cover how to evolve a DAM system from a siloed application to a core enterprise capability and lynchpin for marketing technology success.

Series Summary

Session 1: Technology

To access the recording, click here.

DAM technology is foundational to the larger enterprise marketing stack, and the puzzle of fitting together the best mix of technologies becomes ever more complex. In this session, we address questions such as:​

  • Do you have the right system in place? How do you know if you do or do not?
  • How can you prioritize integration points for your DAM system?
  • Are you taking full advantage of the functionality of your DAM?
  • How can you increase capacity and improve infrastructure for scalability and growth?
  • How should you go about system replacement, if you need to?


Theresa Regli, DAM Industry Strategist, Analyst and Author

John Bateman, DAM Enterprise Creative Solutions, Orange Logic

Meredith Reese, Digital Asset Manager, LA Phil


Session 2: People

To access the recording, click here.

DAM isn't just a system. To build a proper program, you need talented, capable people. In this session, we explore proven strategies and approaches to:

  • Increase the prevalence and adoption of the DAM system
  • Bring management together at the upper levels, and making a case for integration
  • Collaborating with your vendor, and ensuring you are part of their roadmap for future development
  • Better align your business and technology groups to achieve better results


Theresa Regli, DAM Industry Strategist, Analyst and Author

Paul Seymour, Head of Asset Bank, Bright


Session 3: Data

To access the recording, click here.

We've all heard that a DAM is only as good as its metadata. But, Assets + Metadata is only part of the equation. In this session we delve into:

  • The differences between and best practice for taxonomy, metadata models, and keywords
  • How to assess what data you need from other enterprise systems to achieve higher levels of asset findability and automation
  • Using analytics; not just what's happening in the DAM system itself, but new trends in mashing-up data from multiple systems to assess asset performance
  • New developments in artificial intelligence, and practical applications for its use as you evolve your DAM


Theresa Regli, DAM Industry Strategist, Analyst and Author

Anthony Gallo, Chief Product Officer, Tenovos


Session 4: Process

To access the recording, click here.

What used to be just "workflow" is now a much more complex ecosystem of touchpoints. Instrumental to evolving your DAM system and the surrounding technologies includes:

  • Overcoming the limitations of DAM system workflow tools
  • DAM vs. WIP vs. standalone workflow management tools vs. MRM
  • Solving process challenges with technology vs. just applying good, old fashioned governance


Theresa Regli, DAM Industry Strategist, Analyst and Author

Sean Carty, Principal Product Marketing Manager, Brandfolder

Jim Hanifen, Chief Product Officer, Brandfolder 


Session 5: Gap Analysis, and Building a Roadmap for the Future

To access the recording, click here.

In this session, we bring learnings from the last four sessions together. We look at the proven best ways of building a DAM Evolution Roadmap – with lessons from real world case studies.


Theresa Regli, DAM Industry Strategist, Analyst and Author

Jon Christian, Founding Partner / EVP - Digital Media Supply Chain Practice, OnPrem

Dave Liu, Principal - Digital Media Supply Chain Practice, OnPrem 

Delaney Voogd, Technical Senior Manager, Amazon Studios


Technical Senior Manager
Amazon Studios
DAM Industry Analyst; Director & Chief Strategist
Vox Veritas Digital
Head of Enterprise Sales
Digital Asset Manager
Los Angeles Philharmonic
Head of Asset Bank
Chief Product Officer
Director, Product Marketing - Content Experiences
Chief Product Officer
Founding Partner / EVP - Digital Media Supply Chain Practice
Principal - Digital Media Supply Chain Practice

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