
Welcome to Composable Tech: Achieving a Single Flow of Truth in Production

May 16, 3:30 PM EDT

In today's ever expanding org silos, this session explores the need for a unified data ecosystem that connects disparate tools, processes, and stakeholders involved in enterprise content production - a "single flow of truth." We'll delve into strategies for breaking down silos within studio operations, creative operations, production, post-production, and brand planning teams, fostering interoperability and collaboration.

Key concepts include:

  • Embracing composable technology to enable workflow coexistence
  • Structuring and sharing data to join the production process
  • Leveraging and transforming essential data for a single flow of truth
  • Eliminating redundancies and streamlining production workflows
  • Facilitating seamless integration across the production lifecycle

What others say

HS Photo Operations events give me the opportunity to learn from some of the most experienced and talented leaders in our industry and the insights they provide will directly impact and improve my own work.

Colleen Moore

HS Photo Studio Operations events provide me with the opportunity to say a warm hello to familiar faces and make new connections with industry leading experts.

Zoe Higgins

An extremely well organised event with the potential to grow even bigger on future iterations. Very productive for networking and take the pulse on new developments in the area.

Armando Ribeiro
Oak Furnitureland