DAM New York 2023

The Art and Practice of Managing Digital Media


Disruptive Discovery for DAM

September 14, 11:50 AM EDT

The world of DAM is ever evolving, and DAM is no longer the singular system and process to manage digital assets in a complex, creative business environment.

Now is the time to think beyond ‘Just DAM’, and make changes to enact positive, process-driven results for your marketing and creative teams. 

Led by John Horodyski, Executive Director, Insights and Analytics, with Ryan Murphy, Managing Director, Insights and Analytics at Salt Flats, this intensely practical session will look at ‘Disruptive Discovery’.

The objective: to work with you to establish motivations, identify problems to solve, and generate opportunities that can generate high impact solutions for deployment in the future of your increasingly interconnected marketing experiences.

Key elements will include:

  • Understanding key terms describing digital experiences.
  • Learning how to expand the capacity of digital asset management.
  • Responding to the challenges of connected tech.

Session deliverables: identification of innovation roadmaps and solutions to use to prioritize, test, and implement.

What others say

HS DAM provided a network of like-minded passionate professionals that were so generous & honest with their front line experiences of working and creating in the DAM universe, Bravo.

Cookie Marie Kurtz
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Before attending a HS DAM event, I never knew the true impact or importance of DAM. For the first time it felt like I wasn't alone, but part of something so much greater. I left inspired and motivated to take what I had learned and apply it our DAM system. I look forward to the event every year! 

Nicole Fresolo

The Henry Stewart DAM NY conference did not disappoint. The breadth of topics and experiences covered were amazing.  I could have used three of me to cover all the sessions I was interested in attending!

Christi Klein
Lowe's Companies, Inc.