We all deal with change management. What is often overlooked, however, is the role of DAM and how this can support change, support end users and, importantly, form a major part of the overall business enterprise and its success.
In this session, Gordon McKie, Director, Digital Experience at Hilton, will provide insights into how the DAM at Hilton has many functions and is part of the ever evolving and expanding enterprise. Gordon will share key drivers in change management focusing on:
HS DAM events keep me in the loop with the latest technologies, providers, and information I need as a Digital Content Manager. They help me interact with my peers and learn more about the industry trends.
HS DAM events has set the bar for virtual conferences! Live sessions, engaging polls and questions boxes, chats with attendees, and virtual contests for swag...I don't know how a virtual conference could be more awesome! I look forward to this conference every year and the team at HS never disappoints!
HS events are one of the best learning opportunities available whether you are new to the DAM space or a seasoned professional trying to keep current.