DAM Asia-Pacific

The Art and Practice of Managing Digital Media


Metadata Makes the Difference

24 March, 11.15 AM SGT

Metadata is much more important than is commonly appreciated. It impacts our personal and business data in mysterious, underappreciated ways. If data is the language upon which our modern society will be built, then metadata will be its universal grammar. It is an important determinant of meaning.

No company can fully exploit its content and knowledge unless it optimizes its metadata practices; and optimizing metadata practices requires a holistic schema supported by robust technology, well trained people and properly structured processes.

When done well metadata increases the return on investment by unlocking the full potential of assets. It powers better ingestion, discovery, sharing and distribution.

Once content owners, marketing technologists, and all those managing content fully understanding how metadata can enhance the value of their assets they can empower digital operations - from creation and discovery all the way to distribution.

This presentation by John Horodyski, Director, Insights & Analytics, Salt Flats, will cover:

  • The basic concepts of metadata 
  • Its importance
  • Why and where it is needed 
  • How it is best used in DAM and content management systems.


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