28 June 2024

Creative Tech Europe 2024

Create. Automate. Optimise.

Nathan McDowell

Creative Director

Nathan McDowell is a dedicated and experienced photographer and creative director with over fourteen years of industry experience.

He captures the essence of his subjects, whether they are models, sportsters or high-profile celebrities. 

In the past having sitters such as Floyd Mayweather, Jack Grealish, and Tyga. And fashion collaborations with major brands such as Disney, Netflix, and Pepsi have allowed him to shoot some truly impactful marketing campaigns.

With each new project, Nathan strives to push the boundaries of his creativity and technical skills, always looking for new ways to innovate. His career is a journey of continuous learning and growth, marked by a genuine love for his craft and a dedication to producing work that is both meaningful and impactful.

Following in this fashion Nathan has become an early adopter of generative AI and now uses it to augment his workflows, seeing it as another, very valuable tool in his toolbelt.  


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