Creative Tech Europe 2024

Create. Automate. Optimise.

‘Creative Tech = Technology powering the content supply chain at scale.’

Every enterprise is trying to provide more consistent, relevant, personalised experiences at each single touchpoint. Because of this, there is increasing pressure on creatives, studios and agencies to create more content, faster.

Demands to speed up creative processes with technology are often met with trepidation that automation will stifle creativity.

Advances in creative technology capabilities have emboldened savvy enterprises to find ways to incorporate technology that helps, not hinders, the creative process.

As content supply chains continue to increase in scale and complexity, finding the right role for technology to facilitate content generation, adaptation, automation, collaboration, approvals, quality control and much else will be critical to enterprises’ success.

Featuring real world case studies from creative leaders facing these challenges, this event will address:

What do creative teams want today? What don’t they want?
What will they want in the future?
How should they evaluate and choose from what’s available?
How can they future proof their choices?
What can the suppliers provide now? What’s coming next?
What should AI’s role be in the process?

An event that brings clear answers to complex questions.

Who should attend:

  • SVP of Production & Technology
  • Creative Production Lead
  • Sr. Director, Integrated Production
  • Chief Creative Technologist
  • Sr. Mgr. Creative Production
  • Production Designer / Studio Manager
  • Ad Operations
  • AdTech Manager/Lead
  • Advertising Technologist