Creative Operations London 2024

The Intersection of Creative Operations with Technology

1 March, 9:45 AM GMT

Step into an engaging conversation between Sitecore, a leading Content Operations software provider and Avanade as they present the transformative impact of technology on Creative Operations from their unique vantage points. This session promises a lively exchange of ideas, experiences, and insights on harnessing these technologies to streamline workflows, enhance content quality, and achieve scalability in content production. 

Join Sitecore’s head of product for content, who will offer an insider’s view in the latest developments in AI-driven content management, and how technologies are evolving to meet future creative and operational needs. 


What others say

HS Creative Operations events provide me with the opportunity to sit in a room with like-minded people who understand each other’s daily challenges, sharing experiences and insights for the greater good of all Creative Operations.

Anna Waldeck-Evans
Creative Production and Operations Consultant

HS Creative Operations events provide a fantastic insight into the marketplace and the direction creative ops are going, would recommend and will be back next year.

Phillip Tasker
Imprint Group

I left the event feeling inspired and motivated, with a ton of practical takeaways that I could immediately apply to my own work. I would highly recommend this event to anyone in the creative industry looking to learn more about Creative Operations and improve their workflows.

Jody Latham
National Highways
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