Creative Operations Asia-Pacific 2023 has now ended. Thank you to all attendees and speakers who made this year’s event a true celebration of all things Creative Operations. To stay up to date with future events, please click here.
Who should attend?
Directors, Heads and Managers of Creative Operations, Creative Services, Creative Production, Creative Resources and Marketing Operations, Creative Directors, Project Managers, Traffic Managers, Video Managers, Consultants and Solution Providers engaged in workflow, project management, proofing, review and approval
Key topics to be addressed include:
Reserve your spot now! Registration is free for Brands/Agencies.
Registration includes:
HS Creative Operations events made me realise that we do have our own growing community of creative operations specialists and I was able to make connections.
HS Creative Operations events provided me with an educational platform that resonated with me, my business, and how to interact with people based on several differing presenters, topics, insights and expertise.
HS Creative Operations events provided me with the opportunity to see that we are not alone and we can benefit from tips from others. The balance and choices of topics were very good.