
Another ‘New’ New Media - Taking Brands into a Metaverse

10 March, 9:45 AM GMT

Dom Lashley, Head of XR/Web3, shares his insights on creating immersive and engaging experiences with purpose and play, focusing on the Gravity Road produced launch of McCain's Regen Fries in Web3.

In addition, he'll look at building new KPIs and finding the correct platforms to deliver on them, and how brands can be authentic beyond the hype.

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HS Creative Production events provide me with the opportunity to meet creative minds from different fields, facing similar everyday working process realities.

Robert Kot

HS Creative Production events allowed me to connect and hear from many creative influencers overseeing marketing, operations, and video production. The discussions and content provided me with many tips and ideas to share with my teams.

Kimberly Joyce

HS Creative Production events are the place for creatives! They provided me with numerous opportunities to network and learn new concepts.

Angel Kumanov
Film Student